
Japanese Hotel” is the first single from what is coming to fruition as the second installment of the Blasko In Love Mixtape series. The inception of the single was born within a dream, existing somewhere on an intangible plane, yet Blasko breathes life into the mystical; fans are fortunate enough to be the benefactors of his vivid imagination in a musical form. The track begins with a slow, eerie build that graciously syncs with his soulful lyricism. Dark and descriptive lyrics paint a vivid image of the intricacies of his dream, leaving plenty of room for the listener to formulate their own vision of the symbols that gave rise to this framework of sounds.

“Japanese Hotel was written about a dream I had.. I never remember dreams, but I remember waking up after this one, saying… “Woah…I need to write a song about this. The next day I had a session with Julian Steel who I told about the dream, he asked me what vibe I wanted for it. I said it needs to be mystic with a dark vibe but with a nice bounce. We started to mess with some eerie sounds and tried to create something that felt Japanese. We finished the track and it was as if my dream had been translated to a song within a few hours.” – Blasko

Blasko – Japanese Hotel



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‘LISTEN: Blasko Shares Lighthearted New Single “Japanese Hotel”

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