EDM Twitter somewhat erupted yesterday in response to Calvin Harris’ uncharacteristic “nazi” tweet. Followers were divided between calling people overly sensitive or simply reacting to the out-of-character outburst, but everyone made a point to react to it one way or another.
Harris followed up the tweet later in the day, stating, “Hi I didn’t say dubstep was shit I was addressing one abusive guy NOT an entire genre thanks.” That doesn’t make it any better to say in the first place, but at least we know that he doesn’t hate dubstep? (Cue eye roll.)
Hi I didn’t say dubstep was shit I was addressing one abusive guy NOT an entire genre thanks
— Calvin Harris (@CalvinHarris) February 1, 2019
See how other producers including Jauz, Marshmello, and Funtcase reacted to the outburst below.
Dear dubstep kids – please keep getting mad at @CalvinHarris …. I’m hoping if you guys keep talking enough shit he’ll end up making a dubstep record in spite of all of you and completely change bass music forever for the better
— JAUZ (@Jauzofficial) February 1, 2019
calvin harris:
calvin harris:
calvin harris:
calvin harris: nAzi hEaDbAnGeR mUsIc
— SPACE YACHT (@spaceyacht) February 1, 2019
Before I update my playlists,
I just wanna say,
You’re all a bunch of drama queens jumping on this Calvin Harris comment (that was directed to one person not an entire genre) just overblowing shit for Twitter stats. CRINGE!!!
Also, you can’t sit with Calvin Harris. btw
— SachaVibes (@SachaVibes) February 1, 2019
I don’t think @CalvinHarris intentions were what everyone is trying to make it out to be. The guy put dance music on the map for all of us and people are just reaching for 2 seconds of spotlight.
— marshmello (@marshmellomusic) February 1, 2019
Calvin Harris calling dubstep nazi headbanger music wether in context or not…have me a good amount of tweets to read while I took a long shit this morning
— FuntCase | DPMO (@FuntCaseUK) February 1, 2019
I’d also like to point out that I really love Calvin Harris’ music and couldn’t give a shit wether he likes what I make or not…that’s the beauty of music tastes
— FuntCase | DPMO (@FuntCaseUK) February 1, 2019
Calvin Harris Riddim Marshmello Fortnite Ninja Brazzers Trump Drake Kanye Kardashian Anime
Ok cool now to get 9,0000,000 followers in a day
— FuntCase | DPMO (@FuntCaseUK) February 1, 2019
what calvin harris said was unacceptable but tbh calling someone a “wee pleb” is fucking hilarious like why that of all things? homie has been rewatching game of thrones or something
(@Protohype) February 2, 2019
100% believe this has been taken out of context. @CalvinHarris https://t.co/fUZ2D091JT
— Oliver Jones (@I_Skream) February 1, 2019
@ me next time @CalvinHarris
Or hop into my DMs and we’ll talk. But you went from calling an entire community nazis to a single man. You want to make it personal? Fine, come talk to me like a man. Let’s settle this with our heads. pic.twitter.com/qW083tqQqj
Father Ripper
(@TenGraphs) February 1, 2019
— BIJOU (@BIJOU) February 2, 2019
Imagine if Calvin Harris said that to Shaq’s face? He would dunk a pioneer Nexus 2000 CDJ on him
— d e f i n i t i v e || s v g || d p m o (@DefinitiveUS) February 2, 2019
Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: EDM Reacts To Calvin Harris “Nazi” Tweet
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