Free Cake for Every Creature—the band headed by Philadelphia-based singer-songwriter Katie Bennett—is no more. Bennett announced on Facebook that she’s “decided to end” the project “on a high note.” “I’m eager to move on to other projects, but playing with free cake was the best way I could have spent half of my 20’s,” she continued. Bennett also announced two final Free Cake shows at the end of May in New York City and Philadelphia. See her full statement and the show dates below.

Bennett first began self-releasing music as Free Cake for Every Creature in 2013 with her first full-length shitty beginnings. She signed with Double Double Whammy in 2014 and shared Pretty Good with a full band. Free Cake dropped their sophomore album Talking Quietly of Anything With You in 2016—their last album, The Bluest Star, arrived last year.