There are a lot of things that could be considered coincidence, and then there are things that just can’t. Yesterday, within the span of ten minutes, Martin Garrix, Macklemore, and Fall Out Boy all posted pictures with the caption, “I got this feeling on a Summer day,” with the ‘S’ capitalized in “summer” in each of them. (For the record, the names of seasons are not capitalized.)

None of these artists have hinted at working with any of the others prior to these postings yesterday, so for them to do so suddenly surely means something is afoot.

“I got this feeling on a summer day” is the widely known opening lyric to “I Love It” by Icona Pop, though the group, nor that single, don’t seem to have anything to do with this new revelation.

We’ll definitely be keeping a close eye on these three artists as the week progresses – stay tuned to Your EDM for new updates!


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This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Martin Garrix, Macklemore & Fall Out Boy Definitely Just Secretly Announced A Collab

from Your EDM