Beavis and Butt-Head are back in a trailer for a forthcoming feature that’s coming later this month. It’s titled Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe, and it’s out June 23 via Paramount+. See the first trailer for the movie below. (Pitchfork earns a commission from purchases made through affiliate links on our site.)
After its original run from 1993 to 1997, Mike Judge’s animated MTV comedy returned for a one-season revival in 2011. Another “Gen Z” Beavis and Butt-Head revival was originally announced as a series for Comedy Central in 2020, but the new episodes will instead appear in 2024 on Paramount+, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Earlier this year, Judge announced that he and King of the Hill co-creator Greg Daniels have launched a new animation company. Judge has promised a revival of King of the Hill, and he’s reportedly working on another animated comedy series for HBO Max with Daniels and Sacha Baron Cohen.
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