Bradford Cox has scored a new short film titled Fountain, a project created by Icky Blossoms’ Nik Fackler and Derek Pressnall. The film was shot and cast in Omaha Nebraska and features the actors Caroline Friend, Philip Crawford, and Ruth Rand. It’s being released as part of 20th Digital Studio’s Bite Size Halloween series on Hulu. Watch the short film, directed by Fackler, below.
Fountain is part of a feature-length project Beyond Us, which is in development at 20th Digital. Cox is in line to score the full-length film, too.
Fountain is the story of “two teens in a small town of the future” who “experiment with a mysterious pill.” Fackler, in a statement, said:“Growing up in Nebraska and driving through the dilapidated, nearly empty towns has always stuck with me. I wondered what would happen to these towns in the future? While the cities expand, what would become of the forgotten midwest?”
“Derek and I created most of the Icky Blossoms music videos together so collaborating in the medium of film was a natural progression,” Fackleradded. “I couldn’t get away from film—it was my first love. Creating a production company, Studio Blossom, ensures we can still keep creating music, but also begin the process of making films.”
Bradford Cox last released Myths 004 with Cate Le Bon in 2019. Earlier this year, he covered the Breeders’ “Mountain Battles” for 4AD’s Bills & Aches & Blues. Icky Blossoms last issued their album Mask in 2015.