This Is Sparklehorse, a new feature-length documentary about the music of the late Mark Linkous, has been released on Vimeo. It features David Lynch, Grandaddy’s Jason Lytle, Metric’s Emily Haines, Portishead’s Adrian Utley, and more discussing the life and legacy of the influential singer-songwriter and producer. Find the trailer below, and head to Vimeo for the full film.
This Is Sparklehorse was made by UK filmmakers Alex Crowton and Bobby Dass of Bo-Ho Films. It’s written and narrated by Angela-Faye Martin.
Linkous released his first Sparklehorse album, Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot, in 1995. The final Sparklehorse album, the collaborative Dark Night of the Soul, was released in 2010, just a few months after Linkous died by suicide at the age of 47.
Read Pitchfork’s Sunday Review of the 1998 Sparklehorse album Good Morning Spider, and revisit the feature “The Sad and Beautiful World of Sparklehorse’s Mark Linkous.”
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