Death Cab for Cutie’s Ben Gibbard has announced The Swift Sessions, a 7″ vinyl featuring unreleased material taken from two separate sessions with Richard Swift, the late singer-songwriter/producer who died last July. It features covers of the Monkees’ “Me and Magdalena” (penned by Gibbard) and Teenage Fanclub’s “The Concept” (which Gibbard has previously reworked for his Bandwagonesque full-cover album). Listen to a preview of the “Me and Magdalena” cover below.
The Swift Sessions is a Record Store Day exclusive, which falls on Saturday, April 13. Net proceeds from the record will go to the Swift family, as well as the organizations MusiCares and Music Support UK.
“All of us who knew and loved Richard Swift are still reeling from the loss,” Gibbard wrote in a statement. “Thankfully, he left us with a large body of work to remember him by. And while I wish it were under other circumstances, I am beyond proud to share some of the work we did together. He was a brilliant human being the likes of which I have rarely encountered in my career. Rest in Peace, Richard.”
Following Swift’s passing last year, Death Cab for Cute covered Swift’s “Most of What I Know.” Read “Why Richard Swift Was an Indie Rock Treasure” on the Pitch.