Deerhoof, Water From Your Eyes, Dan Deacon, Pile, and more have contributed to a new compilation benefiting strike funds. It’s titled May Day Music: A Benefit Compilation For Strike Funds & Artists, and the 47-track collection includes other contributions from Empath, Palberta, Radiator Hospital, and Ryan Pollie. It arrives via Washington, D.C.’s Gardenhead Records. Check it out in full below.
The compilation arrives on International Workers’ Day, more casually known as May Day. Last year, Gardenhead assembled another compilation to benefit the youth-led climate-change organization the Sunrise Movement. Among recent unionizations at Starbucks and Amazon, artists and music industry employees have been part of a resurgent organized-labor movement in the United States, with the Union of Musicians and Allied Workers launching in the spring of 2020. Last March, Secretly Group employees announced their plans to form a union, and their contract is still under negotiation. Spotify and Gimlet employees had their first contracts ratified last April.
Read Pitchfork’s feature “What Does Secretly Group’s Union Mean for the Indie Music Industry?” on the Pitch.
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