After the 2022 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominations were announced, first-time nominee Dolly Parton said that she was “respectfully bow[ing] out” of contention for induction. Not long after, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Foundation confirmed that Parton could still be inducted. Now, in an interview on NPR’s Morning Edition, Parton said that she would accept her potential induction “gracefully.”

NPR’s Rachel Martin asked Parton, “What do you do if, despite your objections, you’re still inducted?” The country superstar responded:

Well, I’ll accept gracefully. I would just say thanks and I’ll accept it because the fans vote. But when I said that, it was always my belief that the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame was for the people in rock music, and I have found out lately that it’s not necessarily that. But if they can’t go there to be recognized, where do they go? So I just felt like I would be taking away from someone that maybe deserved it, certainly more than me, ’cause I never considered myself a rock artist. But. obviously, there’s more to it than that.

Pitchfork has reached out to representatives for Dolly Parton and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for additional comment and information.

Read “The Rock Hall Needs Dolly Parton More Than Dolly Parton Needs the Rock Hall” on the Pitch.


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