Donald Glover and Rihanna are co-starring in a new movie directed by Glover’s longtime collaborator Hiro Murai. The trailer premiered at Childish Gambino’s PHAROS festival in New Zealand this weekend, as Stereogum points out. Watch fan footage below.
The film is called Guava Island, Cuban magazine Vistar reported back in August, though the title doesn’t appear in footage of the trailer. That month, a photo of Glover and Rihanna together had surfaced, which you can see below. The trailer’s credits bill the movie as “A Childish Gambino film.” Letitia Wright and Nonso Anozie also star. Pitchfork has emailed representatives for Glover and Rihanna for more details.
Murai has worked with Glover on his FX show “Atlanta” and Childish Gambino videos “This Is America” and “Sober.”
Read “How Rihanna Became the Most Stylish Pop Star of Her Generation.”