This past weekend, Drake played two SiriusXM concerts at New York’s iconic Apollo Theater. As Insider notes, midway through the second event, the rapper paused the show after a man fell from the mezzanine balcony into the orchestra pit. Drake reportedly addressed the incident, telling the crowd, “Just gotta make sure somebody’s OK,” before a 15-minute break. In a statement shared with Pitchfork, a representative for the Apollo Theater explained:

Unfortunately, last evening an incident occurred with an audience member who landed in the orchestra from the lower mezzanine. Drake, Apollo, and SiriusXM halted the show immediately when learning of a potential fan injury and standard protocols were taken. They were seen immediately by EMS on site. The fan and other audience members reported that they were OK. No major injuries have been reported. The Apollo is investigating the situation further.

Drake ran through over 40 songs at his first Apollo concert and also brought out 21 Savage and members of Harlem’s Diplomats, according to Variety and The Associated Press. The concerts were originally scheduled to take place in November, but were postponed due to the memorial service for Migos’ Takeoff.

Pitchfork has also reached out to representatives for Drake and SiriusXM for comment and more information.