Two vastly renowned artists in the house music scene, DubVision and Syzz, were unexpected to collaborate. DubVision known for a number of their massive dance music singles, embrace a unique progressive pop approach with their newest single “Enlighten Me.” It might be the influence of Syzz, but whatever the case, the mainstream product sounds fantastic.

“Enlighten Me” has a heartwarming vocal on it, which somewhat reminds me of Capital Cities. Dreamy pop synths fill the atmosphere and breathe the production to life. The vocal is a key highlight of the track and likely helps the song reach its full potential. I’ve always been a lover of pop songwriting and electronic elements which is exactly what these artists have blended together so smoothly!

For more music from DubVision and Syzz follow them both on Spotify!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: DubVision and Syzz combine forces for “Enlighten Me” [Armada Music]

from Your EDM