“Behind The Curve” is a documentary that examines conspiracy theories and puts a humanistic view on the individuals who feed into them. While it focuses on the Flat Earth theory, it can be equally applied to anti-vaccination supporters or any number of other conspiracy theorists.
Feed Me tweeted yesterday that after a long weekend, he was sitting down to finish his night by watching said documentary.
Finishing the week with ‘Behind The Curve’ this is magical
— Feed Me (@feedme) March 25, 2019
Unsurprisingly, just the mention of the documentary, without so much as putting any bias behind the tweet, brought out the supporters and dissenters. One individual in particular, @addminztrator, seemed to take the road of blissful ignorance and educated questioning a bit further than the rest. To his tweets, Feed Me responded with warnings of misinformation and destructive rhetoric — as the documentary also shows.
Read below for that discussion; but on a brighter note, Feed Me is heading into the studio today with Flux Pavilion and Kill The Noise, and if that doesn’t make you giddy, I don’t know what would.
You should be threatened by the idea as misinformation brings down the quality of information available for all – but it’s essentially science’s fault for letting people slip through the cracks like this https://t.co/HNmLMaTize
— Feed Me (@feedme) March 25, 2019
Non-vaccination endangers everyone – it’s a direct destructive result from uneducated opinions and fear-mongering. There’s a lot of confusion in your rhetoric and it just seems generally mistrustful regardless of the authority https://t.co/QF4iaZ6zjf
— Feed Me (@feedme) March 25, 2019
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Feed Me Tackles Anti-Vaxxers On Twitter Amidst Collab with Flux Pavilion & Kill The Noise
from Your EDM https://ift.tt/2FALbA3