Fiona Apple has made a pledge to donate all of the 2019 and 2020 earnings from TV and movie placements of her hit single “Criminal” to the While They Wait fund. The fund helps refugees secure life necessities, immigration fees, and legal assistance. “After months and months of reading the news about how my country is treating refugees, I’ve become gutted with frustration trying to figure out the best way to help,” she wrote in a Tumblr post. “It seems to me that the best way I can help detainees is to contribute to payment of their legal fees.”
She continued by urging other artists to do the same by donating the earnings from one song to While They Wait or another organization. “I could write a song about this and maybe I will but for now, I will use ‘CRIMINAL’ to help the WRONGLY criminalized get justice.” Read her full post here.
Read “Fiona Apple’s Best Covers” on the Pitch.