Fiona Apple has shared a new song, and it arrives with the season finale of Amazon Studios’ series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. With music by Bear McCreary, it’s titled “Where the Shadows Lie,” and it’s adapted from a J.R.R. Tolkien poem that appeared in the original books. Listen below. (Pitchfork earns a commission from purchases made through affiliate links on our site.)
Since releasing Fetch the Bolt Cutters in April 2020, Apple has lent her voice to several more artistic and political projects. She’s advocated for reproductive freedom, court transparency bills, voting, and Indigenous land acknowledgement. In July, she rejoined her friends in the Watkins Family Hour cohort for a take on the country classic “(Remember Me) I’m the One Who Loves You,” after covering Sharon Van Etten’s “Love More” last year. She also contributed a song to Apple TV’s Central Park series and appeared as a guest on Bob Dylan’s 2020 album Rough and Rowdy Ways. Fetch the Bolt Cutters earned Apple the Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album, with “Shameika” taking home the trophy for Best Rock Performance.
Read about Fiona Apple’s Tidal and When the Pawn… on Pitchfork’s list of “The 150 Best Albums of the 1990s,” and catch “Sleep to Dream,” “Paper Bag,” and “Criminal” on Pitchfork’s list of “The 250 Best Songs of the 1990s.”
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