Four Tet has announced his long-teased new album. Three arrives March 15 via Kieran Hebden’s own label, Text, and you can listen to new song “Daydream Repeat” below. Scroll down for the tracklist—featuring the singles “Loved” and “Three Drums”—and the album art, designed by Jason Evans and Matthew Cooper.
Three, which Hebden announced via Bleep, will be his first album since releasing Parallel and the archival LP 871 on Christmas Day in 2020. In the meantime, he has released several loosies and remixes, settled a high-profile dispute with former label Domino, collaborated with William Tyler, raffled off an unreleased album, and unexpectedly toured the world’s biggest stages with Skrillex and Fred Again as part of a DJ supertroupe.
Read about “Three Drums” and “Darkness, Darkness” in Pitchfork’s rundown of “The 100 Best Songs of 2023.”
01 Loved
02 Gliding Through Everything
03 Storm Crystals
04 Daydream Repeat
05 Skater
06 31 Bloom
07 So Blue
08 Three Drums