The family of Frightened Rabbit frontman Scott Hutchison has launched a charity in the late musician’s memory. Tiny Changes will honor the Scottish singer/songwriter by raising awareness of and providing support for children and young people’s mental health issues. According to its website, the charity hopes to “advance understanding of the root causes of mental ill health and support innovation in the design and delivery of mental health services to children and young people.” Learn more about Tiny Changes at the charity’s website.
Tiny Changes takes its name from a line in the Frightened Rabbit song “Heads Roll Off” (“While I’m alive, I’ll make tiny changes to Earth”). In a statement on the charity’s website, Hutchison’s family said, “Scott’s impact was far reaching and felt by many people. Through his music and art he made many thousands of tiny changes and encouraged other people around the world to do the same.”
Last year, Ben Gibbard, Julien Baker, and others performed at a Scott Hutchison tribute concert. Their performances were released this past March on a collection titled A Celebration of the Songs of Scott Hutchison.
Read “Why Losing Frightened Rabbit’s Scott Hutchison Hurts So Much” on the Pitch.