Hammered Hulls—the band of bassist Mary Timony, vocalist Alec MacKaye, guitarist Mark Cisneros, and drummer Chris Wilson—have announced their debut LP, Careening, with the new song “Rights and Reproductions.” The album is due out October 28 via Dischord. Check out the album artwork, tracklist, and “Rights and Reproductions” below.


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Produced by Ian MacKaye and engineered by Don Zientara at Inner Ear in Arlington, Virginia, Careening is likely to be the last album recorded and mixed at the storied recording studio, which shut down in October 2021. (Hammered Hulls began work on Careening prior to the pandemic and finished the record in the summer and autumn of last year.)

Hammered Hulls released their first three songs—“Written Words,” “Self Inflicted” and “Looking After You”—in 2019. A new recording of the former track is featured on Careening under the new title “Written Word.”

In a press release, Fugazi and Rites of Spring’s Guy Picciotto shared a statement about Hammered Hulls:

Alec MacKaye has been a source of inspiration to me since I was 15 years old when his bands the Untouchables and Faith made their massive crater-sized impacts on me. “Inspiration” doesn’t do it justice—in the chaos of his performance and the power of his voice, Alec was always to me the distant horizon of what any singer could aspire to be. It is surely the only debt you can incur that feels like a gift.

That he now continues to provide that same energy to me 42 years later with his band Hammered Hulls is not really a surprise but it is wildly welcome. Mary Timony, Chris Wilson, and Mark Cisneros, three musicians of absurd pedigree, sensitivity and skill, create a weave that’s both tough and lithe, the ideal setting for Alec’s singular voice and words. Their new single “Rights and Reproduction“ colonized my mind when I saw them play it live and is now just as disruptive in its recorded form. A high-water mark has been redrawn. Hammered Hulls are for real.
