Today is Bandcamp Friday, which means the platform will once again waive its share of revenue for 24 hours. In response to the Supreme Court’s plans to overturn Roe v. Wade—which would allow individual states to outlaw abortion—a number of artists and labels will donate their portions of proceeds to abortion funds around the country. Below is a list of participants donating to various funds and institutions supporting the right to choose.

Earlier this week, Olivia Rodrigo spoke about abortion rights at her Washington, D.C. concert, saying she was “heartbroken” about the impending legislation. Phoebe Bridgers opened up about her own experience getting an abortion and shared a link to The Cut’s list of abortion funds. Halsey also shared resources, writing: “I cannot stress enough the implications of this moment in history. This is a cruel attack on our fundamental right to choose if and when to have a child.”