Through the Soil II is the sequel to a 68-song benefit compilation that arrived last year; the inaugural volume is reportedly the reigning best-selling compilation in Bandcamp history. The latest installment benefits the Trevor Project, an organization dedicated to suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQ+ youth. The 37-track collection features contributions from Julien Baker, Faye Webster, MJ Lenderman, Parannoul, Wednesday, Ian Sweet, Squirrel Flower, Horse Jumper of Love, Dummy, Lala Lala with Tomberlin, and many more. Listen to the full collection below on Bandcamp.
The Through the Soil compilations came together via organizing through a DIY music community Discord. The first benefited the NAMI COVID-19 Mental Health Support Fund. “It was important to take part in a project like Through the Soil II that is supporting something like Trevor Project because everything right now is so fragile,” said Dummy’s Joe Trainor in a statement. “There is a near constant effort to take away the rights of LGBTQ+ people, along with women and POC. To not be a political band in 2022 is beyond us.”
“It’s special to be able to support organizations I care about, like the Trevor Project, through my art,” Lala Lala added. “Young queer people need and deserve protection and the Trevor Project helps provide that.”
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