Kim Gordon and Bill Nace—who operate as the duo Body/Head—have joined electronic experimentalist Aaron Dilloway for a new project, Body/Dilloway/Head. They’ve put together a self-titled album that’s out November 19 via Three Lobed. Check out “Goin’ Down” below.
Body/Dilloway/Head is the first new material from Body/Head since 2018’s The Switch. “One of the things I like most about playing improvised music and especially in Body/Head with Bill is the constantly exhilarating freedom and surprise about what is going to happen at any given moment,” Kim Gordon said in a statement. “Making this record with Aaron Dilloway, who I have always admired so much, added in another layer of unknown and another way of giving up control. Aaron took our sounds / music as a source and had ‘his way with it’ so to speak, crushing whatever narrative that existed in order to enter into it and making something different than what we would have done as Body/Head.”
01 Body/Erase
02 Goin’ Down
03 Secret Cuts