Robert Owens and Larry Heard (aka Mr. Fingers), the foundational house producers who played in Fingers Inc. with Ron Wilson, have regained their song rights from Trax after suing the house label in 2020, The Guardian reports. The artists, who say they never received royalties for some of their biggest tracks, such as Mr. Fingers’ “Can You Feel It,” were unable to claim damages as the long-embattled label could not afford to pay them. Instead, “the parties amicably resolved their disputes,” as Heard and Owens’ lawyer Robert S. Meloni put it, by transferring both the masters and publishing rights back to the artists.
“It felt beautiful, and it gives me peace knowing that there is a clear road moving forward,” Owens told The Guardian. “I’ve seen the destruction that often occurs in this music industry, so I feel blessed and grateful for all those that have been here in my life, helping me through this journey, who wanted to correct something wrong.”
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