so there’s a new lcd song now called x ray eyes.
it’s the first single of what’s shaping up to be a new album. don’t ask me when that is, because we’re still working on it. but it feels very good to be putting out new music. we made a small run of silkscreened 12”s that will sell at the upcoming LA and NYC shows, and DFA will have a limited grip of them, but don’t freak out if you don’t get one because there will be a more readily available commercial release of the same record when we can get it together. we just made a pile of white labels and are screening 100 at a time for each gig. it’s a short lead time thing. and it’s fun.
but, no, there’s no finished LP yet. but when we’re not playing shows, it’s getting closer and closer to completion. so that’s the news. anything else you hear is bullshit speculation.
go vote.