M.I.A. has shared a new video for “Reload,” a 2004 track that appears on the soundtrack to her recent documentary MATANGI / MAYA/ M.I.A. The song was written with Elastica’s Justine Frischmann before the release of M.I.A.’s 2005 debut Arular. They made the lo-fi clip together in Frischmann’s basement in 2004. Watch it below.

MATANGI/MAYA/M.I.A. was recently released digitally. The film about M.I.A.’s life as an artist was directed by Stephen Loveridge and scored by Paul Hicks and Dhani Harrison. The documentary premiered at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival where it won the World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award. M.I.A. recently discussed the film on “The Daily Show.” M.I.A.’s last full-length release, AIM, arrived in 2016.

Read Pitchfork’s feature “The Connection Is Made: Elastica Goes M.I.A.
