Mac came in my summer house in the evening. We have decided before it comes that we wanted to write a song together. And I was dreaming to write this song in the way like John Lennon & Paul McCartney did together in the ’60s.
So the next day we woke up, I went to make some swimming, Mac did some exercises than we had Italian coffee and we went in the studio.
I had very early in the morning the idea for the title of the song: “Paradise.”
But I was thinking that it was too simple for Mac so I just said to Mac : “What do you think about “Juicy Paradise?”
Mac started right away to compose music with a Fender Telecaster thinking about “Juicy Paradise.”
Than we went in the garden and I started to think that I wanted that he had to feel free and not blocked in a title that I made.
But Mac was really happy about this way of working.
Then we came back in the studio and something changed.
Mac started to play the guitar as Mac DeMarco style, and I started to improvise something with the voice.
What I was singing and also what he also was singing remembered me the English group Simply Red.
So, I said: “What do you think about the title “Simply Paradise?”
Yeahhhh, the title we loved right away.
So I start to sing in my Italian spaghetti English singing nice melodies but words without sense.
And I was very happy that Mac was writing the funny with no sense phrases and he putted in nice English and he was also singing and we used some of my singing and some of his singing. And than came the idea to make like Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney in the song “The Girl Is Mine.” There we really started to have big fun and we finished the song in few hours. It was really fun, ahahahah.