hey guys – I’m afraid we’re going to have to postpone – until further notice – our US shows – and give serious consideration to our Australian dates in january. following an innocuous, fun rehearsal three weeks ago – during which, as usual, i wore ear protection – i’ve been plagued by various ear issues, tinnitus and apparent hyperacusis amongst them, and am totally unable to perform, barely able to exist in the world as we speak (the idea of getting onto a flight is particularly fucking terrifying, and i’m not just talking about the vegetarian meal options). i have taken advice from ENT doctors, audiologists and my GP and have spent more money than i’ve ever spent on anything before trying to fix this issue but so far, no dice.
we want to reschedule the dates as soon as possible, of course, but for anyone who wants one refunds are available at point of purchase. it feels mad to type those words, and i hope i never have to again, but there we are. i feel particularly bad for anyone coming to the oakland date – i’m not accustomed to cancelling to any shows at all, let alone one twice. when we make it back i’ll make everyone a fucking cake or something.
i am so, so sorry that this has happened, for all of you, for the people who have booked travel and made arrangements, for jack, damien, our wonderful crew, and everyone who wanted this to happen so much – for the other bands who we were delighted to be playing with, for our friends we haven’t seen for so long (or in some cases haven’t even met yet), for the memories we wanted to make.
the best chance we have of doing this – and doing this properly – again is for me to take the time to rest up and get as better as I can. believe me, this is not a decision which has been taken lightly – the financial fallout of this for us and me in particular is devastating, which coupled with the unlikelihood of being able to make a living doing the only thing i can do is so terrifying that i can’t even think of a joke to end this pretty long sentence. costs still need to be met, unfortunately, so i may be having a bit of a merch/poster/equipment sale soon, mostly to benefit our crew, so please, if you’re able, stay tuned for that. i was happy to say that we had been planning an album for next year (we had songs and a title AND EVERYTHING) but now, of course, that’s on hold – though not cancelled, fuck that, we’re going to do this thing, and do it right.
falco x
ps. we’ll be making a decision on the Australian shows in the next week/ten days. apologies, again, for the uncertainty. back at you when possible.
pps. i can often be found somewhere lecturing some poor sap on the need for ear protection so let me do it again at the bottom of this whatever-the-fuck-this-is. WEAR EAR PROTECTION.
ppps. extra thanks to the people we work with – our wonderful crew, Merrick at ground control and Steph at Handsome among them – who’ve shown such kindness and understanding during this period. this love and support will not be forgotten and will be paid back, i guarantee it.
pppps. i won’t be checking messages for the next few days – this has been an exhausting time (logistically/emotionally/generally as a human) and I need to stare at a ceiling for a little while. apologies. please take care. try not to smoke. always rate uber drivers 5. don’t get ill. x