A long-awaited sequel to This Is Spinal Tap is on the way, according to Deadline. Rob Reiner will return to direct Spinal Tap II, which is tentatively slated for release on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Reiner will also reprise his role as the fictional in-film director Marty DiBergi. Also returning are core cast members Michael McKean, Harry Shearer, and Christopher Guest, portraying Spinal Tap’s David St. Hubbins, Derek Smalls, and Nigel Tufnel, respectively.
Rob Reiner explained to Deadline:
“Hopefully there will be some guest artists,” Reiner also told the publication. “The thing I’ve heard from so many bands and we’re talking about possibly doing a couple books, but one will be Tap Moments that real bands have had.”
Ric Parnell, who played Mick Shrimpton and Ric Shrimpton in This Is Spinal Tap, recently died at the age of 70. “No one ever rocked harder,” Harry Shearer wrote of his Spinal Tap bandmate.