Film/Music Mogul Nick Cannon has turned his popular improv comedy show Wild N’ Out into MTV’s most prized possession in its 12-season run. Yesterday (March 27) it was announced the show will be sticking around for quite some time as Nick Cannon signed an extension for not only a 13th season but an additional 90 episodes.
Deadline broke the news, citing that MTV ordered 90 more episodes of the Nick Cannon-hosted show as it contributes to 10% of MTV’s schedule as well as 10% of the net’s total ratings. Noting, the most recent full season of Wild ‘N Out in summer 2018 was the No. 1 cable series on Friday nights with men 12-24 and men 18-24.
Wild N’ Out is an improv competition that pits the biggest names in entertainment against Nick Cannon and crew of buzzing comedians and social media influencers for the covenant Wild N’ Out Championship belt. The show includes freestyle jokes, rapping, and more to accrue points for your team. Throughout the 12 seasons, the show has been located in Los Angeles, New York, and Atlanta.
Since originally airing back in 2005, Wild N’ Out has become the number-one hip-hop entertainment channel on YouTube with 4.2 million subscribers, more than 2.3 billion minutes watched and over 92M views in February, according to MTV. Throughout the 12 seasons, the show has featured guest appearances from icons in both music and comedy such as Kevin Hart, Kanye West, and Nick Cannon’s ex-wife Mariah Carey.
The show has also been the launching pad for some of today’s biggest comedians like Kat Williams, Deeray Davis, and Corey Holcomb.
The 13th season of Wild N’ Out is scheduled to premiere this Summer, only on MTV.
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‘Nick Cannon’s Wild N’ Out Renewed for 90 More Episodes by MTV
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