Nicki Minaj has sued a blogger and podcaster who goes by the name “Nosey Heaux,” TMZ reports and documents viewed by Pitchfork confirm. Nosey Heaux, whose real name is Marley Green, apparently released a video in which she called Minaj a “cokehead” who was “shoving all this cocaine up her nose.” The rapper is claiming that the clip is defamatory. According to the lawsuit, the video received 260 retweets and roughly 2,000 likes and also included “vile comments” about Minaj’s son.
The lawsuit alleges that Nosey Heaux was acting under direction from an unnamed rival of Minaj, “mistakenly believing that she and [Minaj] are stars of equal stature,” in a “hopeless effort to advance her career” at Minaj’s expense. Minaj, who says she has never used cocaine, is seeking $75,000 in damages.
When reached by Pitchfork, Judd Burstein, attorney for Nicki Minaj, stated:
Green, via her account @noseyheauxlive, tweeted, “Nicki Minaj lied @TMZ,” with a link to the publication’s article on the lawsuit. Pitchfork has emailed Green for additional comment and information.