Earlier this year, Noname said that her next album, Sundial, would arrive in July. The rapper has now provided a new update, announcing that Sundial is out August 11. Find a list of the songs on the album below.

Sundial will include a song with Jay Electronica and Eryn Allen Kane called “Balloons.” Noname had initially said the track would come out tomorrow (July 21), but now says it will arrive with the rest of the album next month. Other guests on the new album include Common, billy woods, $ilkmoney, Jimetta Rose, and Ayoni.

Noname recently performed Sundial songs at MIKE’s Young World event in Brooklyn. Read more about her performance in “MIKE’s Young World Rap Festival Puts Fans First” on the Pitch.


Black Mirror
Hold Me Down [ft. Jimette Rose and The Voices of Creation]
Balloons [ft. Eryn Allen Kane and Jay Electronica]
Potentially the Interlude
Boom Boom [ft. Ayoni]
Beauty Supply
Afro Futurism
Oblivion [ft. Ayoni and Common]
Gospel? [ft. $ilkmoney, billy woods and Stout]
