Ouri, the Montreal-based musician who recently collaborated with Helena Deland as Hildegard, has announced her debut solo album. Frame of a Fauna is out October 22. It features two new songs that have been shared today: “Chains” and “High & Choking Pt. 1.” The former arrives with a new video co-directed by Derek Branscombe and Ouri. Watch it below.

“Between fragmented souvenirs and sonic explorations, Frame of a Fauna navigates mutable identity, magnetism and initiating a sense of belonging in an eclectic sound,” Ouri said in a press release. “Mixing classical, field recordings, and electronic and future trip-hop, this album provides a soundtrack to reflect your own shapes and space in this lifetime.”

Frame of a Fauna:

01 Ossature
02 The More I Feel
03 Two
04 Odd or God [ft. Mind Bath]
05 High & Choking Pt 1
06 Fear of Being Watched
07 Fonction Naturelle
08 Wrong Breed
09 Chains
10 En Mon Doux Sein
11 Shape of It
12 Too Fast No Pain [ft. Mobilegirl]
13 Felicity [ft. Antony Carle]
14 Grip
