Storefront Church and Phoebe Bridgers have released a new cover of “Words,” the opening track from Low’s 1994 debut, I Could Live in Hope. It’s in tribute to Low’s Mimi Parker, who died in November at the age of 55. Hear the cover below.
Storefront Church is the project of Los Angeles–based artist Lukas Frank. He released his debut album, As We Pass, last year via Sargent House. In a statement about the Low cover, Frank wrote, “In the wake of Mimi’s passing, I’d like to dedicate this to her. Low’s music has been incredibly useful to me; it’s like an antidote to anxiety, with Mimi’s voice at the heart of it—relieving, cathartic, and honest.”
Read Pitchfork’s Afterword “Mimi Parker Was Indie Rock’s Guardian Angel.”
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