Last month, Poppy released her second album Am I a Girl?, featuring the Grimes collaboration “Play Destroy.” Now, in a new interview with Kat Bein for Billboard, Poppy has accused Grimes and her team of delaying the song’s release. “I was kind of bullied into submission by [Grimes] and her team of self-proclaimed feminists,” Poppy said. She continued:

We planned the song coming out months ago, and she was preventing it. I got to watch her bully songwriters into signing NDA and not taking credit for songs that they were a part of. She doesn’t practice what she preaches. It’s really upsetting to work with a female that is very outward about a topic, but behind closed doors, it’s the complete opposite. It’s actually very disheartening to people that are actually feminists and supporters of other females.

Read the full interview at Billboard. Pitchfork has contacted Poppy and Grimes’ respective representatives.