And thanks to all the musicians and change makers who helped shape the band’s collective vision range has also been fortunate to have so many talented coworkers and co-conspirators who have believed in the band: from Michael Goldstone, the guy who signed us and insisted the first radio single be an unedited song featuring 17 cuss words, to the greatest guitar tech of all time, Slim Richardson. Thank you and thanks. And deep appreciation to the hundreds of others, from those who put up flyers to those who have moved mountains to amplify the message and the music. What I hear in the music is this: that the world is not going to change itself.
But throughout history, those who have changed the world in progressive, radical or even revolutionary ways did not have any more money, power, courage, intelligence or creativity than anyone watching tonight. The world’s changed by average, everyday ordinary people who have had enough and are willing to stand up for a country and a planet that is more humane, peaceful and just, and that, and that is what I’m here to celebrate tonight. Fans often ads, but what can I do? Well, let’s start with these three things. One, dream big and don’t settle. Two, aim for the world you really want without compromise or apology. And three, don’t wait for us.
Rage is not here, but you are. The job we set out to do is not over. Now you are the ones that must testify. If you’ve got a boss, join a union. If you’re a student, start an underground paper. If you’re an anarchist for a brick, if you’re a soldier or a cop, follow your conscience, not your orders. If you’re bummed out, you didn’t get to see Rage Against the Machine, then form your own band and let’s hear what you have to say. If you’re a human being, stand up for your planet before it’s too late.
So tomorrow, crank up some Rage and head out and confront injustice. Wherever it rears its ugly head, it’s time to change the world, brothers and sisters, or at a bare minimum to stir up a shit load of trouble. And finally, special thanks to my mom, Mary Morello, a retired public high school teacher, a proud Rage Against the Machine fan and a lifelong radical who turned 100 years old a couple of weeks ago. She’s watching at home tonight, but she asked me to tell you this: History, like music is not something that happens. It’s something you make. Thank you very much.