Brady Spensor has directed a new feature documentary about the life and legacy of iconic funk artist Sly Stone, Deadline reports. Spensor conducted several interviews with the reclusive musician, documenting his spiral into destitution and, this year, the saving grace of the Music Modernization Act, which has granted Stone a steady stream of royalties.

“It took months before Sly even remembered my name,” Spensor tells Deadline of the decade-long documentary-making process. “But soon after, I would get called at all hours, day or night. This was at a time in his life when things were really difficult for Sly. I became his friend at his most down and out, most financially broke and feel incredibly grateful for Sly’s trust and participation allowing me to document the end of a tragic spiral, then the transition and the outcome of Sly winning a significant lawsuit that may have influenced The Music Modernization Act.”

He added, “When Sly finally collected his royalties after years of being financially strapped and homeless, it warmed my heart.”

Read about Stand!, There’s a Riot Goin’ On, and other classic Sly and the Family Stone records in Pitchfork’s Best New Reissue review.