Sons of Kemet, the Shabaka Hutchings–led jazz group out of South London, have announced that their forthcoming string of concerts will be their last as a band. “This year will be the last chance to see us in the form to which you’ve grown accustomed,” Sons of Kemet wrote in a statement on social media. “After 10 years we have decided that from the end of our scheduled 2022 shows we will be closing this chapter of the band’s life for the foreseeable future. We’re excited to play our remaining gigs for you and to make this summer a fitting send off.” Find their full post below.
The band announced their upcoming tour last spring. The four piece—which also includes tuba player Theon Cross and percussionists Edward Wakili-Hick and Tom Skinner—will perform at Bonnaroo later this month. They will also perform throughout July and August in the UK, Europe, and the US. Find all of their dates here.
Sons of Kemet issued four studio albums in their 10-year career, starting with 2013’s Burn. They released Lest We Forget What We Came Here to Do in 2015, followed by Your Queen Is a Reptile in 2018. Their final LP, Black to the Future, landed last year.
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