Last week, Spotify announced that it had filed an antitrust complaint against Apple with the European Union. On Friday, Apple responded, addressing many but not all of Spotify’s claims about its service and how it charges vendors in its App Store.

Today, Spotify has responded to Apple’s response, calling the company “monopolist” and alleging that their response on Friday was “entirely in line with our expectations.”

In a response to Apple’s response, late Friday morning a Spotify rep said: “Every monopolist will suggest they have done nothing wrong and will argue that they have the best interests of competitors and consumers at heart. In that way, Apple’s response to our complaint before the European Commission is not new and is entirely in line with our expectations.

“We filed our complaint because Apple’s actions hurt competition and consumers, and are in clear violation of the law. This is evident in Apple’s belief that Spotify’s users on iOS are Apple customers and not Spotify customers, which goes to the very heart of the issue with Apple. We respect the process the European Commission must now undertake to conduct its review.”

Details of the forthcoming legal battle in the EU will continue to emerge, as a war of words is likely to go on between the two companies.


via Variety

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Spotify Responds To Apple’s Response Over Anti-Trust Complaint In The EU

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