CPF-6Y2WgAAQd0aToday, electronic music lost a legend. It’s been reported that Keith Flint, frontman for The Prodigy, has committed suicide at the age of 49. The news was recently confirmed by bandmate Liam Howlett on Instagram, stating: “The news is true. I can’t believe I’m saying this but our brother Keith took his own life over the weekend, I’m shell shocked, fuckin angry, confused and heartbroken ….. r.i.p brother Liam.” Join us in sending condolences to Flint’s family and friends.

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‘The Prodigy Frontman Keith Flint Dead at Age 49

The post The Prodigy Frontman Keith Flint Dead at Age 49 appeared first on Run The Trap: The Best EDM, Hip Hop & Trap Music.

source http://runthetrap.com/2019/03/04/prodigy-frontman-keith-flint-dead-age-49/