“The Simpsons” executive producer James L. Brooks has announced that the episode featuring Michael Jackson’s voice will be pulled, The Wall Street Journal reports. The episode “Stark Raving Dad,” which aired on Fox in 1991, will be removed from circulation following the airing of the documentary Leaving Neverland. The two-part docuseries featured interview with two men who claim to have been sexually abuse by Michael Jackson as children. “It feels clearly like the only choice to make,” Brooks told WSJ.

In “Stark Raving Dad,” Jackson voiced the character Leon Kompowsky, a patient in a mental institution who believed he was Michael Jackson. Leaving Neverland premiered on HBO this weekend. It was followed by an interview with Oprah and the film’s subjects, Wade Robson and James Safechuck. The Michael Jackson estate is currently suing HBO for making “disparaging remarks” and lowering the “reputation or public image” of Jackson and has been heavily critical of the film.

Read “HBO’s Michael Jackson Documentary Leaving Neverland Is Damning—But Flawed” on the Pitch.
