Following the third installment of HBO’s The Idol, the Weeknd has shared a new batch of songs from the show. One, titled “Get It B4,” was written and performed by Moses Sumney. The Weeknd has also released “A Lesser Man” and “Take Me Back,” both of which he penned with Mike Dean. The latter also features Jason “DaHeala” Quenneville. Listen to all three new songs

Sumney stars in The Idol as Izaak, a musician and devout follower of Abel “The Weeknd” Tesfaye’s character, Tedros. The controversial six-episode series stars a number of musicians, such as Troye Sivan, Blackpink’s Jennie, and Mike Dean (as himself).

The Weeknd has already shared multiple songs from the show’s soundtrack, The Idol, Vol. 1, which arrives in full on June 30. Earlier this month, he dropped “World Class Sinner / I’m a Freak,” which is performed by Lily-Rose Depp, who plays the pop star lead, Jocelyn. The Weeknd also shared the show’s theme song, “The Lure,” in addition to “Family,” his Future collaboration “Double Fantasy,” and “Popular,” featuring Madonna and Playboi Carti.

Read Pitchfork’s review of the HBO show’s first episode, “Is The Idol Really That Bad?