The Weeknd has shared a third teaser for his upcoming HBO Max series The Idol. The show stars Abel “The Weeknd” Tesfaye as a charismatic cult leader moving through the upper echelons of Los Angeles celebrities. The show’s female lead Lily-Rose Depp plays a female pop singer who is seduced by Tesfaye’s character. The latest clip features all-new footage, and reveals that the show will hit streaming next year (though an exact date was not announced). Check it out below.

In addition to Tesfaye, The Idol stars a slew of recognizable faces from the music and film world, including Moses Sumney, Blackpink’s Jennie, Mike Dean, Dan Levy, Rachel Sennott, Hank Azaria, Hari Nef, Troye Sivan, TV on the Radio’s Tunde Adebimpe, the late Anne Heche, Suzanna Son, Melanie Liburd, and more.

Tesfaye produced and co-wrote the series, which he co-created with producing partner Reza Fahim. Showrunner Joseph Epstein co-wrote the script with Tesfaye, and Euphoria director Sam Levinson served as co–executive producer alongside Ashley Levinson, Kevin Turen, and Aaron L. Gilbert.

The Weeknd recently wrapped up his 2022 North American tour in support of his latest album, Dawn FM. Last month, Universal Orlando Resort and Universal Studios Hollywood unveiled their haunted houses inspired by the artist’s 2020 album After Hours. In August, the Weeknd released a new remix of his Dawn FM track “Best Friends” featuring Summer Walker.

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