Charli XCX has shared a new video for “Speed Drive,” her song for Greta Gerwig’s Barbie movie. Co-directed by Charli XCX and Ramez Silyan, the video stars Charli XCX racing a convertible pink Corvette with Devon Lee Carlson, getting interrupted by a video-call from fellow Barbie contributor Sam Smith, and then dancing as the Corvette does donuts around her. Watch it below.
Curated by Mark Ronson, Barbie the Album was released via Atlantic Records on July 21, the same day Barbie debuted in theaters. The album also has contributions from Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa (who plays a mermaid in the film), Nicki Minaj, Ice Spice, PinkPantheress, and more.
Charli XCX released Crash last year. Read “Charli XCX Is the Pop Star of the Future.”