French duo Justice and Tame Impala have released a video for their Hyperdrama collaboration “Neverender.” The psychedelic animated visual was produced by Cekai and directed by Masanobu Hiraoka, Kota Iguchi, and Armand Beraud. Watch the clip, which merges vintage Japanese anime with Art Nouveau, below.

“The ‘Neverender’ music video gave us the perfect opportunity to channel many of our visual influences, all while making them more distinctive through Masanobu Hiraoka’s unique reinterpretation,” Justice’s Xavier de Rosnay and Gaspard Augé said in a press release. They continued:

Together with longtime collaborators Pascal Teixeira and Armand Beraud, we drew initial inspiration from the title sequences of the 1980s anime we grew up on, which set the visual tone for the video. From there, other key images from our teenage years naturally came into play. Whether it was the work of Moebius, psychedelic art, graphic novels, or iconic film posters that fascinated us, Masanobu’s style seamlessly absorbed and unified them all.

Justice have also announced a “Neverender” remixes EP, which will feature album, radio edit, and extended versions of the track, as well as reworks by Kaytranada and Keinemusik’s Rampa. The EP arrives this Friday, September 27.

Hyperdrama came out this spring, marking Justice’s first album in eight years. The LP featured Tame Impala on both “Neverender” and “One Night/All Night.” Other contributors included Rimon, the Flints, Connan Mockasin, Miguel, and Thundercat.