Waxahatchee is back with one more single from her upcoming album Tigers Blood. “365” arrives with a one-shot music video directed by Corbett Jones and Nick Simonite. In the clip, Katie Crutchfield surveys a city from up above in an empty apartment while pacing around and singing along to the song’s lyrics. Watch it below.
“‘365’ is a song about codependency as it pertains to addiction and relationships with addicts,” Crutchfield explained in a statement. “It’s something I’ve dealt with a lot in my life and I really wanted to distill the nerves and emotions down to their purest form in this song. Brad Cook and I had a lot of ideas we tried for this one, but in the end, we tracked it live just him, Jake Lenderman and myself running the song a couple of times together in the room.”
Tigers Blood is out March 22 via Anti-. The follow-up to 2020’s Saint Cloud has been led by the single “Right Back to It,” which features Wednesday’s MJ Lenderman on guitar and vocals, as well as last month’s “Bored.”
Next month, Waxahatchee will depart on a tour of North America and Europe in support of Tigers Blood. Opening select dates are Snail Mail, Greg Mendez, Tim Heidecker, and Gladie, among others.
Read Pitchfork’s new Cover Story “How Waxahatchee Made the Album of Her (Second) Life.”