Music S**t & Stuff
Song Title : Hot because I’m Zef
Die Antwoord supplied the vocals.
Ninja said 'Do It'
Yo-Landi said 'Fokin Wack'
So I Did It !!
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Song Title : Hitting the Pipe
Things in the song :
HITTING (verb)
(1) to deal a blow or stroke to.
PIPE (noun)
(1) a hollow cylinder used for the conveyance of water, gas, steam, petroleum, etc.
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Song Title : Hands Up
Things in the song :
HANDS (Noun) : the corresponding part of the forelimb in any of the higher vertebrates.
UP (Adverb) : to or at any point that is considered higher.
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Song Title : Brain Salsa
Things in the song :
BRAIN (noun) the brain as the centre of thought, understanding, etc.; mind; intellect.
SALSA (noun) 3. Mexican Cookery. a sauce, especially a hot sauce containing chilies.
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Song Title : Cum On
Things in the song :
CUM (verb)
1. to approach or move toward a particular person or place:
i.e. Come here. Don't come any closer!
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Song Title : Funked Up
Composer, Arranger, Mixer :
DJ Disc Jockey
Make my fantasies cum tru baby …. make it hot.
Ain’t nobody do it like you do
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Song Title : Sentient Being
Could you love an Alien if the Alien loved you.
Do you think you could learn to love the Alien.
Would you miss the Alien if the Alien wasn’t around any more.
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Song Title : Sweat U
Composer, Arranger, Mixer :
DJ Disc Jockey
SWEAT: To perspire, especially freely or profusely … to exude moisture.
YOU: Anyone in general
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Song Title : You Can Do It
Composer, Arranger, Mixer :
DJ Disc Jockey
DANCE - to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, especially to the accompaniment of music.
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Song Title : Your Love
All I want is you
1 and 1 makes 2
You make my dreams come true
Only you
I want your love
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Song Title : Boom Boom
BOOM (verb)
To make a deep, prolonged, resonant sound.
HEART (noun)
Organ of blood circulation, composed mainly of rhythmically contractile smooth muscle
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Song Title : 2 Minutes of Orchestration
Composer, Arranger, Mixer :
DJ Disc Jockey
To arrange or manipulate, especially by means of clever or thorough planning or manoeuvring
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DJ Disc Jockey

Song Title : Take a Ride
Composer, Arranger, Mixer :
DJ Disc Jockey
C’mon take a ride with us ….. remembering back in the 70’s
Take a ride with me and Bonzo as we flick through the old family polaroids.
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Song Title : Click Bait
I Cried For Days When I Listened To This
BAIT (verb)
To attract, tempt, or captivate.
To entice by deception or trickery so as to entrap.
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Song Title : Space Invader
Composer, Arranger, Mixer, Runner, Teaboy, :
DJ Disc Jockey
Techno Electro Instrumental
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Song Title : Waiting for 1000 years
I’ve waited for a thousands years so I may as well wait just a little bit longer - my time will come …….
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Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Ciao, Guten Tag, Ola, Namaste, Salaam, Ni Hau, Konnichiwa and yI'el or pe'el if there’s a few of you and you’re from another dimension.
Song Title : Every Night’s a Riot
There just aren't enough police sirens in songs anymore or background street sounds or morse code beeps. Let’s remedy that !!
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Song Title : Funky Love
Composer, Arranger, Mixer :
DJ Disc Jockey
Making sweet music together - but it doesn't pay the bills !
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Song Title : ClapTrap
It was all kicking off, one hell of a palaver and then, all of a sudden ...... bang ...... a load of claptrap came out.
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Song Title : Le Chat
Everyone loves a cat right - so why not compose a ditty with a bit of anglais and francais and franglais and cat sounds and guitars and stuff ….. and shit and everything and stuff. Meooooow.
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