Song Title : BRAIN SALSA
By : DJ Disc Jockey
Things in the song :
BRAIN (noun)
1. Anatomy, Zoology. the part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of humans and other vertebrates, consisting of a soft, convoluted mass of grey and white matter and serving to control and coordinate the mental and physical actions.
2. Zoology. (in many invertebrates) a part of the nervous system more or less corresponding to the brain of vertebrates.
3. Sometimes, brains. ( used with a plural verb) understanding; intellectual power; intelligence.
4. the brain as the centre of thought, understanding, etc.; mind; intellect.
SALSA (noun)
1. a lively, vigorous type of contemporary Latin American popular music, blending predominantly Cuban rhythms with elements of jazz, rock, and soul music.
2. a ballroom dance of Puerto Rican origin, performed to this music, similar to the mambo, but faster with the accent on the first beat instead of the second beat of each measure.
3. Mexican Cookery. a sauce, especially a hot sauce containing chilies.
Hot and scratchy - not in a Scratchy McScratchinson way but in a BASF tape kind of way. Broken in parts and stuck together with some sellotape and rewound in with a pencil kind of way.
Composer, Arranger, Mixer :
DJ Disc Jockey
Contributors to the sound both audibly and technically :
With special thanks to :
Meaty Eyes, Fudgey, Lava Champ, Foo, Nirvana Redux, Audacity, Ejay, Ouch Potato, Cakewalk, Radio Leg, Maxim, Calci Yum, Magix, Boner Jam, Freesound, Duodenum, Corel, Gozer ….. and more