Song Title : CLICK BAIT
By : DJ Disc Jockey
CLICK (noun)
The act of rapidly depressing and releasing a button on a mouse or other input device, usually the left-hand button, so as to select this video for example.
BAIT (verb)
To attract, tempt, or captivate.
To entice by deception or trickery so as to entrap.
You'll cry real tears when you see what happens next.
They thought they knew the truth but it turned their world upside down.
Turn it up y'all .... turn it up .... I can't hear you.
I can't believe they let this happen and they weren't even there at the time.
After watching this you'll sleep for a month.
I don't care ... I don't care .... I don't care .... I don't care who's first or who's last.
When they opened the hair grease it left me speechless.
Hair Grease.
I don't care .... I don't care .... I don't care .... I don't care ....
You'll scream when the truth comes out.
You'll scream. you'll laugh, you'll cry.
Even after you watch this you won't believe it's true.
I don't ... I don't ... I don't care who' first .... I don't care who's first or who's last.
What happens next is truly jaw dropping.
69 secrets they don't want you to know.
I don't care who's first or who's last.
This could happen to you and you really need to know why this happened to them.
Hair Grease.
I don't care ... I don't care ... I don't care who's first or who's last.
That's right, That's right, That's Right.
I don't care who's first, I don't care who's first or who's last, I don't care who's first or who's last.
Hair Grease.
I don't care, I don't care.
Fuck That.
I cried for days when I listened to this.